Planning: Making the Transition Easier for Your Family

Losing a loved one is never easy. We all experience grief in different ways. Sadness, numbness, and depression are just a few of the emotions we experience. It is important not to make any major decisions too quickly, and to take time to think clearly again. Six months to one year works best for most […]

New Year, New Resolutions: For Your Health, Finances, and Planning

Many of us are still thinking about our New Year’s resolutions, which can be overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be! A good way to narrow down your resolutions is to pick one goal for each important area in your life. For most, this includes our health, finances, and planning for the future. According to Dr. […]

Gifting with Financial Powers of Attorney

Most people who hold a General Power of Attorney believe that it allows them to do “anything” that could be helpful, if needed. Not True! The opposite is true. It only allows an agent to do what is specifically authorized and has strict limitations. A General Durable Power of Attorney, also known as a financial […]

Building a Strong Foundation

It is very important to have a strong foundation for asset protection and estate planning.  Estate planning and asset protection are comparable to building a house – you must have a strong foundation to have a house that will withstand the test of time.  If your house is built on sand, then it will collapse! […]

What does your Social Security Numbers mean?

Social security numbers (SSNs) are not random numbers. They are assigned regionally and in batches. The nine-digit SSN, which has been issued in more than 400 million different sequences, is divided into three parts: Area numbers – The first three numbers originally      represented the state in which a person first applied for      a […]

Raleigh leads the US in Senior Relocation

Raleigh is a wonderful place to live.  Cultural events, sports, colleges, fantastic medical care and proximity to vacation “hot spots”.  Think about a few hour drive to the shore or the mountains of Western NC, take a cruise out of Charleston, SC or a trip to DC.  If you are moving to the Raleigh area […]

Powers of Attorney – Only as Powerful as You Make Them

Question: If I am power of attorney for my dad and I’m planning to leave the country for a week, can I appoint someone else to act as power of attorney in my place? Answer: It depends on what the power of attorney document allows. At W.G. Alexander & Associates, we know that the power […]