30 Questions with Melissa Truelove, Senior Paralegal

This week, we’re getting to know Melissa Truelove. 1. Who is your hero? a. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, Teddy Roosevelt’s oldest daughter. While Teddy was president, she would barge in on cabinet meetings, wore pants, and had a pet snake named Emily Spinach. She broke all the rules at a time when it was scandalous to […]

30 Questions with Amy Taylor, Legal Assistant

Today, we learn more about our newest team member, Amy Taylor! 1. Who is your hero? a. My Mom 2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be? a. Quiet Coastal Town will always be home to me. 3. What is your favorite family vacation? a. Maine 4. What motivates you to work hard? […]

30 Questions with Ann Benson, Client Relations Manager

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting 30 Questions with each staff member so you can get to know us a little better. We’re starting with Ann, she’s the smiling face at the front desk and friendly voice when you call the office. 1. Who is your hero? a. My friends – they are […]

VA’s 3 Year Look-back: What’s that about?

The VA has an unfortunate history of erecting barriers in all their claims processes so they can deny claims filed by veterans. The 3 Year Look-back is a new barrier for Pension claims (long term care reimbursement benefits) so that veterans who transfer property in order to satisfy their “asset test” can be denied if […]

Medicaid’s 5 Year Lookback: What’s that about?

When you apply for Medicaid, the caseworker at the Department of Social Services uses the Medicaid Manual to determine your eligibility for the program. The Medicaid Manual is their “Bible.” The North Carolina Medicaid Manual defines the “Lookback Date” as “The earliest date a transfer can occur and be evaluated for a transfer of assets […]