Aging Life Care Professionals

What is an “Aging Life Care Professional”? Aging Life Care Professionals, formerly referred to a Geriatric Care Manager, act as guides and advocates for the aged or disabled. They are well versed in the following areas: Health and Disability, Financial, Housing, Families, Local Resources, Advocacy, Legal, and Crisis Intervention. They can assist adult children as they care for elderly loved ones, help caregiving spouses create emergency plans in the event of a crisis, assist seniors that may not have family close by, assist loved ones in emergencies, as well as act as a neutral party to provide advice in instances of family disagreement.

Aging Life Care Professionals offer a variety of services to meet every family’s needs. The first order of business is to complete a home visit to assess the current dynamics. They note the social, environmental, cognitive, and financial situation since all these aspects affect the care of an individual. They also consult with Physicians, family members, and other individuals that can provide useful information regarding care. From there, they make recommendations that allows the family to provide care for their loved one and often assist with coordinating that care, including navigating complex family issues, and securing the use of community resources available.

Our office works with Aging Life Care Professionals often. The reason we refer to them most often is to determine level of care needed to successfully care for a client. The level of care required to properly care for a client is used to determine where they need to be placed (at home with caregivers, Independent Living, Assisted Living, Nursing Home). Aging Life Care Professionals understand the financial burden and work with us to find the right placement that works for our clients.

Our law firm, W.G. Alexander & Associates, is not affiliated directly or indirectly with any Aging Life Care Professional, but we recommend their services to clients. If you or your loved one needs assistance with long-term care, or if you have questions about government assistance programs such as Medicaid or Veteran’s Benefits, consider W.G. Alexander & Associates – we offer a unique blend of asset protection, Elder Law and estate planning. You can also attend our free seminars, learn more through our website at, or call us at (919) 256-7000.