What does your Social Security Numbers mean?

Social security numbers (SSNs) are not random numbers. They are assigned regionally and in batches. The nine-digit SSN, which has been issued in more than 400 million different sequences, is divided into three parts: Area numbers – The first three numbers originally      represented the state in which a person first applied for      a […]

Tovah M. Mitchell speaks before Professional Woman’s Group

PROFESSIONAL WOMAN’S DISCUSSION GROUP:  AUGUST 15TH 12 noon or 6:30pm: Tovah Mitchell, Estate Planning, Elder Law and VA Accredited Attorney of W. G. Alexander & Associates, Attorneys will be speaking at “Wealth Wisdom for Woman”  titled “Elder Law: Is it only for the Elderly?” The refreshments at both sessions  provided  by Virgina Clay and Carol Stymiest of  […]